Today, i began with breaking up forty hard drives from work with a hammer and some aggression. Then i sat at my computer and surfed the web. Then i did a little research on television networks and other such. Oh, something that happened the other day that was really neat.
Back when i was thinking about leaving VA and moving to LA i went and bought a book on how to be the best personal assistant. Glad i read that because it comes in handy with my new responsibilities. but the point is that there is a section on lingo in LA. For example, what "leave word" means and "rolling call sheet." I got a call from my boss' agent's assistant who was like, "oh, well can i just leave word about the meeting?" and i was like, "yeah, dude." I totally knew what he was talking about.
If that little story was a complete lost on you i just want to say, its all about the little victories, okay reader? Is that okay with you? What is exciting to me may not be the same for you. Let see, anything besides that, hold please, phone ringing.........okay back now. Let see, what else is new? Nothing.
until next time.