Thursday, June 4, 2009

Not how I wanted to start my day

Getting a phone call on my way into work is not how I wanted to start my day. It was from our office manager. But I am getting ahead of myself. Let me start from the beginning. I was asked to set up a conference call with four of our employees and the vendors in South Africa who are supplying us with footage for a show. So, I set up the call with our employees but was never told who to contact over seas.
So the call was to take place this morning. I sent an email to my boss yesterday asking a list of questions, most importantly who in South Africa I was suppose to invite to the conference call. Well, once I got his reply it turned into a whole mess.
Our new conference bridge phone number, doesn't have an international call in line. So I had to use the old bridge number. Which I don't have because it was in the office in my desk. Did i forget to mention that I was reminding people and inviting them to the call at 8 oclock at night. So, basically, what happened was I typed the wrong phone number for my employees but I sent out the right international one to the vendors. So at least I don't look stupid to the South Africans. But to my employees I look like a fool. So needless to say, all of them had to call the office and get the right number and I sent out an apology for fucking up. I get a reply from my boss. The big boss. The big cheese. "You and I need to discuss attention to detail overall."

That was not the response I was hoping for, but the one most deserving I am sure. Yes, I have messed up but I am only human. I never claimed to walk on water. This is so not how I wanted to start my day. So, now I am freaking out and don't know what to think. Is he really angry? Will he fire me over this? I am on the verge of a total panic attack i tell you. I need to calm down.

So my boss never did yell at me yesterday. But that doesn't mean he has forgotten. Also, when I woke up today I had an email from one of our producers I booked hotel and flights for last week. Turns out, I booked his returning flight two days before he was actually going to need. Needless to say, when he got to the airport there was no reservation for him. Shit.

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