Tuesday, July 8, 2008

First day of internship

So today I started my internship at BASE Productions. I work for two associate producers, K and F. That is Gossip Girl style. To start off the day I got to watch two episodes of "Lost in China with the Hutchson Brothers". This show has not aired but will on National Geographic International Channel later in the year. Right after the Oymplics I believe. So anyway, the show follows these two brothers who lived in China when they were younger and now are returning to see their "old stomping ground." Needless to say I learned lots about chinese culture and just to put to rest, yes, some parts of china do eat dog. The city in the northeastern region, I can't remember the name right now, does in fact have dead dog for sale to eat.
So after that, we went to lunch. We being my boss K and J maybe. Can't remember that guy's name either but he drove a new Passat. Sweet ride. We ended up at this little place called Alibi. It was a little place run by anna and her husband. Nobody really knows why it is called Alibi. I think they were involved in a murder and said that they could be suspects because they were opening a restaurant in haymarket. Thus, it is their alibi.
After that I read some National Geographic handbook of Standards and Policy. Let me say that I Nat Geo does not screw around. If it airs on their channel those words and images are facts. Checked and verified by my bosses. After I finished that I watched the third episode of the show and got leave after that. My day was not hard. I share my desk with the fax machine, though. I feel like whenever I get a fax I need to deliver it. My boss usually takes it from me and delivers it himself but still, its getting delivered. Overall not very exciting but not stressful either. Tomorrow should be more hands on.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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