Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Makin' that cheddar cause I love mac n cheese

So this week was a very good week. I found out that my free internship is actually going to pay me. Score.
Nothing else really to report. I did have an altercation with the copier. I could not figure out how to change the paper size from letter to legal. And I know that sounds totally lame. But I felt really stupid. It turns out on that particular model, all I had to do was change the paper tray. Who knew?
I also fucked up on the phone today. I didn't ask who the caller was before I passed the phone to the owner of the company. So then I had to take the caller off hold, ask him who he was and then put him back on hold to tell the big guy the name. I pretty much looked like an incompetent loser. And I didn't even tell you about the embarrassing music event. And it will remain unsaid.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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